Saturday, February 6, 2010

I Love Reading

Yes I do, though I don't read as much as I'd like anymore!  I especially love Jane Austen... So many great books, I read them over and over! I can even still remember quotes memorised in high school... my English teacher would be proud!

I was recently procrastinating browsing and found these delightful treasures:
Mr Darcy Proposal Dish Towel  - Brookish

 Jane Austen Card Merry - Yardia

'I Heart Jane Austen' Brooch - Sophie Isobel Designs
Image from Udessi


  1. I love the Brookish mugs too... so good :)

  2. Beautiful. I should run and hide, I've never read an Austen novel. Tsk. Tsk. x

  3. That Mr Darcy proposal has never really left me either. Though Chris' wasn't bad :)

  4. Hello I just popped in to say hi !

  5. @Chantelle - oh, you've got to do it!! Add one to your list of things to do this year!!
    @Bek - Mr Darcy's is a tad insensitive, don't you think? (though I do have a very soft spot for him)
    @Clare - it's a pleasure to 'meet' you.


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